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发布日期:2016-10-18 作者: 来源: 点击:

经过个人申报、同行专家评议、学院学术委员会讨论和学院党政联席会研究确定,佘小平教授发表在《The Plant Journal》的论文《Heterotrimeric Gprotein mediates ethylene-induced stomatal closure via hydrogen peroxidesynthesis in Arabidopsis》,贺军民教授发表在《The Plant Journal》的论文《Ethylene mediatesbrassinosteroid-induced stomatal closure via Gα protein-activated hydrogenperoxide and nitric oxide production in Arabidopsis》,王筱冰副教授发表在《Theranostics》的论文《Analysisof the in vivo and in vitro effects of photodynamic therapy on breast cancer byusing a sensitizer, sinoporphyrin sodium》获得学院2015年度年终分配标志性科研成果奖励。
