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发布日期:2015-07-07 作者: 来源: 点击:









李佳,女,博士,讲师。主要从事线粒体功能、脂肪代谢调控、肥胖相关的代谢综合症发病的分子机理等领域的研究。博士研究生期间作为主要完成人参与美国国立卫生院(NIH)和国家自然科学基金共2项,以第一作者在《Cell Metabolism》、《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》、《Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文5篇。


1.Jia Li, Xiaolei Liu, Huayan Wang, Weiping Zhang, David C. Chan, and Yuguang Shi. Lysocardiolipin acyltransferase 1 (ALCAT1) Controls Mitochondrial Biogenesis and mtDNA Fidelity through Modulation of MFN2 Expression. PNAS, 2012, 109(18):6975-80. IF: 9.77

2. Jia Li, Jie Deng, Shan Yu, Junlin Zhang, De Cheng, Huayan Wang. The virtual element in proximal promoter of porcine myostatin is regulated by myocyte enhancer factor 2C. Biochem bioph res co, 2012, 419(2): 175-181. IF: 2.59

3. Li J, Romestaing C, Han X, Li Y, Hao X, Wu Y, Sun C, Liu X, Jefferson LS, Xiong J, Lanoue KF, Chang Z, Lynch CJ, Wang H, Shi Y.Cardiolipin remodeling by ALCAT1 links oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction to obesity. Cell Metab, 2010, 4; 12(2): 154-165. IF: 18.21

4. 李佳, 邓婕, 张军林, 成德, 王华岩. 肌肉增强因子2对猪myostatin启动子活性的调节.生物工程学报, 2012, 28(8): 918-926.

5.李佳; 陈德坤. 卵清蛋白特异性免疫耐受的诱导及鉴定. 西北农林科技大学学报 (自然科学版), 2008, 36(1): 13-16.

6. Nie J, Sun C, Faruque O, Ye G, Li J, Liang Q, Chang Z, Yang W, Han X, Shi Y. Synapses of Amphids Defective (SAD-A) Kinase Promotes Glucose-stimulated Insulin Secretion through Activation of p21-activated Kinase (PAK1) in Pancreaticβ-Cells. J Biol Chem, 2012, 27; 287(31): 26435-44.